Feel Good Spaces at Home!

Feel Good Spaces at Home!

Jan 4th 2022 Staff

The biggest shift in home décor? Astrid, the curator of TheNordRoom.com says, “We are rethinking the way we live. It is less about how we think certain rooms should look. And more about how we feel in our homes and how we can create the most comfortable home that suits your own personal need.” We see that every day at Madison Lighting mirrored in the eyes of our customers. Your home may feel less than welcoming. It might seem frustrating to work there, each task taking longer than it should. Is your home a reflection of you and the things you love to do? The time we spend at home could be inspiring to the artful. It could be restorative to the stressed out. It can be cozy or cool, colorful or pale. The trend to create home spaces that make us feel good is here.

Let’s make home a place that inspires and nourishes us. If color inspires you, paint a wall or two, add a lamp that accentuates your style and rouse the creativity in your soul. If a soothing space is what you crave, declutter. Move the furniture around and banish your work desk, too, so there’s one space that’s meditative and calm. Add soft lighting and get a dimmer switch so you can find light levels that appeal to you.

This is a trend we all can jump into. The lighting specialists at Madison Lighting can help you create spaces that feel good. With our staff you’ll the find lighting and home décor, pillows, wall art and mirrors and a bit of inspiration.

Follow us through the trends for 2022 during the coming weeks. We’re spotlighting 5 trends, from making your home a place you feel good to adding natural elements in light fixtures. And come see us in the showroom for more on bringing light to life.

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